- I disagree. Love is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.
- a relentless pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms or hits you with the pepper spray (防狼喷雾).
- I’m done with penny.
- The dietician at the cafeteria with the limp and lazy eye.
- one can only assume she’s signaling sexual avalibility.
- There are pitfalls.
- when it comes to sexual harassment (性骚扰) law , I‘m a bit of a self taught expert.
- ask her to strip naked and dance for me.
- I would like to propose an experiment.
- heat up my cap noodles
- about two seconds, 2.6 for minestrone
- wait, are you asking me out?
- I was going to characterize it as the modification of our colleague-slash-friendship paradigm
- but we don’t need to quibble over terminology.
- biochemical reaction 生物化学反应
- why don’t we just stipulate the date goes well and move to the key varible?
- no, i think it needs to be spontaneous.
- on the plus side, it was a good kiss, no extraneous spittle.
- one the other hand, no arousal
- That depends
- although the history of science fiction(科幻) is not on your side.
- you might be bound by them right now
- what’s going on?
- tedious emo songs
- I don’t know if I can take it
- I happend to know a place where there are plenty of eligible women.
- remember the latin hips
- you’re in for a treat
- If you’re compiling a mix cd for a double suicide
- There’s a feline geneticist in sun diego who’s developed the catest little hypoallergenic calicos
- do you really think you can satisfy your need for a relationship genetically altered cat
- this is obviously about penney
- I think that you have as much of chance of having a sexual relationshp with penny as the hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole.
- circuit breaker
- nevertheless 尽管如此
- I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you
- you dit not ask her out
- I should march over there and ask her out.
- I was wondering if you had plans for dinner
- There is an inherent ambiguity in word dinner
- techinically it refers to the largest meal of the day whenever it’s consumed
- so to clarify here, by dinner I mean supper or a subset of them might be there
- algebraically speaking, there are to many unknows.
- It’s not fault of quizons they have a varied menu
- It’s a biofeedback technique
- It’s relaxation through brain wave manipulation
- I read a paper about it in journal of american neuroscience
- not the kind of illness that will make her want to come over and take care of me.
- but nothing so critial that she’ll feel uncomfortable going out with me in the futrue.
- so I’m assuming nothing venereal?
- I’ll just tell her that you had a routine conoloscopy and haven’t quit back
- because if I don’t show up she’ll still be expecting you
- so are the rest of the guys meeting us here?
- then that’s something we have in common with the exception of string theory , not much has happened since the 1930s.
- my idea has an inernal logical consistency
- I’m sure things will pick up
- don’t get me started on rebound sex centrifugal fource. Actually it’s centripetal force
- You’d be in a non inertial reference frame
- did you spill ketchup?
- It stopped beeding
- but you throw up . Isn’t that a sign of concussion
- car sick
- I’m gonna go lie down
- how was your date?
- score one for liquor and poor judgment
# | Term | American English Phonetics | Chinese Meaning |
1 | sprint | [sprɪnt] | 短跑 |
2 | marathon | [ˈmærəˌθɑn] | 马拉松 |
3 | relentless pursuit | [rɪˈlɛntləs pərˈsut] | 不懈的追求 |
4 | pepper spray | [ˈpɛpər spreɪ] | 防狼喷雾 |
5 | dietician | [ˌdaɪəˈtɪʃən] | 营养师 |
6 | pitfalls | [ˈpɪtˌfɔlz] | 陷阱 |
7 | sexual harassment | [ˈsɛkʃuəl həˈræsmənt] | 性骚扰 |
8 | strip naked | [strɪp ˈneɪkɪd] | 脱光衣服 |
9 | propose | [prəˈpoʊz] | 提议 |
10 | heat up | [hit ʌp] | 加热 |
11 | minestrone | [ˌmɪnɪˈstroʊni] | 意式蔬菜汤 |
12 | characterize | [ˈkærəktəˌraɪz] | 描述 |
13 | colleague | [ˈkɑlˌiɪg] | 同事 |
14 | paradigm | [ˈpærəˌdaɪm] | 范例 |
15 | quibble | [ˈkwɪbəl] | 吹毛求疵 |
16 | terminology | [ˌtɜrmɪˈnɑlədʒi] | 术语 |
17 | biochemical reaction | [ˌbaɪoʊˈkɛmɪkəl rɪˈækʃən] | 生物化学反应 |
18 | stipulate | [ˈstɪpjʊˌleɪt] | 规定 |
19 | spontaneous | [spɑnˈteɪniəs] | 自发的 |
20 | extraneous spittle | [ɪkˈstreɪniəs ˈspɪtəl] | 多余的唾沫 |
21 | arousal | [əˈraʊzəl] | 唤醒,激发 |
22 | science fiction | [ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃən] | 科幻 |
23 | be bound by | [bi baʊnd baɪ] | 受…约束 |
24 | tedious | [ˈtidɪəs] | 冗长乏味的 |
# | Term | American English Phonetics | Chinese Meaning |
25 | I happened to | [aɪ ˈhæpənd tu] | 我恰好 |
26 | eligible | [ˈɛlɪdʒəbəl] | 合格的 |
27 | feline | [ˈfiːlaɪn] | 猫科的 |
28 | Hubble | [ˈhʌbəl] | 哈勃(天文望远镜) |
29 | circuit breaker | [ˈsɜrkɪt ˈbreɪkər] | 断路器 |
30 | nevertheless | [ˌnɛvərðəˈlɛs] | 尽管如此 |
31 | obligated | [ˈɑblɪgeɪtɪd] | 有义务的 |
32 | march over | [mɑrtʃ ˈoʊvər] | 走过去 |
33 | inherent ambiguity | [ɪnˈhɪrənt æmˈbɪgjuəti] | 固有的模糊性 |
34 | clarify | [ˈklærɪˌfaɪ] | 澄清 |
35 | algebraically | [ˌældʒəˈbreɪɪkli] | 代数地 |
36 | Quizon’s(X) | [ˈkwɪzɑnz] | 本单词可以忽略 |
37 | biofeedback | [ˌbaɪoʊˈfidˌbæk] | 生物反馈 |
38 | relaxation | [ˌriːlækˈseɪʃən] | 放松 |
39 | manipulation | [məˌnɪpjʊˈleɪʃən] | 操纵 |
40 | journal | [ˈdʒɜrnəl] | 杂志 |
41 | neuroscience | [ˈnʊəroʊˌsaɪəns] | 神经科学 |
42 | come over | [kʌm ˈoʊvər] | 过来 |
43 | venereal | [vəˈnɪriəl] | 性病的 |
44 | routine | [ruˈtin] | 常规的 |
45 | show up | [ʃoʊ ʌp] | 出现 |
46 | expecting | [ɪkˈspɛktɪŋ] | 期待 |
47 | exception of | [ɪkˈsɛpʃən ʌv] | 除了 |
48 | string theory | [strɪŋ ˈθɪəri] | 弦理论 |
49 | internal logical consistency | [ɪnˈtɜrnəl ˈlɑdʒɪkəl kənˈsɪstənsi] | 内在逻辑一致性 |
50 | rebound | [ˈriːbaʊnd] | 反弹 |
51 | centrifugal | [sɛnˈtrɪfjʊɡəl] | 离心的 |
52 | centripetal | [sɛnˈtrɪpɪtəl] | 向心的 |
53 | inertial | [ɪˈnɜrʃəl] | 惯性 |