

Posted by bulingfeng on January 18, 2024


  1. 可以使用电脑一句一句的录出来,然后听再改进。一个章节这样走完以后再进行全部章节的朗读。甚至一句一句练习的时候还可以根据原版录音来对比。
  2. 要收集句子量和段落的量。把汉语写出来,进行英文背诵。最后直至彻底脱稿而出。不要傻傻的背单词,要背句子和阅读长文章。这个过程中遇到不会的单词和语法,然后再进行收集。
  3. 不要求快。一个句子要挨个单词发音标准,该重读的重读,该快的快(首先要每个音都要发出来,这个是基础)。要把音发标准。读句子的时候要思考,这个句子的短句应该怎么断句,连读应该怎么连读。
  4. 对着汉语回想英语句子的时候,一定要使用笔来同时来进行书写。这样看起来速度是很慢的,但是效果是很好的。
  5. 英语发音的关键(元音要饱满,这样才好听)
  6. 英语句子模仿的时候要关注老外的哪些地方轻读和吞音等。然后再模仿。
  7. 一开始就要模仿连读,连读的多了就能听懂老外讲的东西了。自己也能进行连读了。
  8. 一定要突破英语,如果自己的口语过关,自己的能力将会发挥的更极致。

第一章 250个超级地道短句

第一节 40个铿锵有力的句子

  1. great
  2. wonderful
  3. amazing
  4. fantastic
  5. gordeous
  6. cool
  7. bravo
  8. impressive
  9. sensational
  10. really
  11. what
  12. sure
  13. absolutely
  14. definitely
  15. fine
  16. impossible
  17. incredible
  18. outrageous
  19. never
  20. probably
  21. boring
  22. terrible
  23. nonsense(发音需要注意)
  24. nothing
  25. almost
  26. done
  27. shoot
  28. freeze
  29. easy
  30. understand
  31. ridiculous
  32. anytime
  33. willingly
  34. apologies
  35. whatever
  36. fifty-fifty
  37. stingdy
  38. mind
  39. encore


  1. 在读一个句子的时候要,先在脑海里想下这个单词的音标(包括重读和轻读的位置)
  2. 在练习音标的时候要先从没有情感开始练起来,后续熟练了再添加情绪
  3. 当有些发音相近的单词,自己又无法辨别出来哪个是正确的,那么就先按照外教的为准。

第二节 80个超级实用二字句

  1. well met

  2. no problem

  3. sure thing

  4. pardon me

  5. my pleasure

  6. attention, please

  7. same here

  8. good luck

  9. how’s life?

  10. can’t complain

  11. what’s up?

  12. how’s this?

  13. how’s that?

  14. nothing much

    Hi, Jim. What are you doing?

    nothing much

  15. that’s absurd

  16. that’s weird

  17. afraid so

    are you telling me that I have to work overtime tonight?

    afraid so, We have so much work to get through.

  18. forget it

  19. sort of

    are you nevous?

    sort of

  20. I promise/I guarantee/you have my word/I swear

  21. I’ll bet

  22. good job

  23. bottoms up

  24. all set

  25. this way

    Let me show you around. This way, please.

    Ok, That’s very kind of you.

  26. follow me

  27. be careful

  28. It hurts!

  29. my treat/it’s on me

  30. I’m flattered

    I’m really impressive with your work

    I’m flattered

  31. suit yourself/help yourself

  32. not really

    Do you like that red mini skirt?

    not really. I perfer the blue one.

  33. no way/no dice/no chance

  34. cool down

  35. I’m starving

  36. try it/give it a shot

  37. you bet

  38. trust me

  39. beats me

  40. between us

  41. ask around

  42. what’s wrong?

  43. what for?

  44. I’m broke

  45. don’t worry

  46. don’t bother

    Let me prepare dinner for you

    don’t bother

  47. come on

  48. get moving/get going

  49. hurry up

  50. how come

  51. after you/lady fist/ you (go) first

  52. allow me

    allow me to open the door for you

    Thanks, that’s great

  53. I understand

  54. It/that depends

  55. chin up/cheer up

    chin up! you have our backing.

  56. good timing

  57. have fun/enjoy yourself/have a good time

  58. anything else/what else

  59. any clues?

  60. that’s ok

  61. fat chance/slime chance

  62. hang on

  63. speak up

  64. go ahead

  65. who cares?

  66. no kidding

  67. hands off

  68. hush up

  69. that’s out

    How about playing football this afternoon?

    I’m not feeling well, so that’s out.

  70. it’s urgent

    may I see Mr. Lee?

    sorry, he’s in a meeting now.

    plsease let me see him. It’s urgent.

  71. I‘m dog-tired

  72. That’s enough

    Ok, Ok, that’s enough

    I’m not finished. I have more to say.

  73. just about

    Did you finish writing your report?

    Just about. I only one more part to go.

  74. applogy accepted

  75. guess what?

    Guess what? I got an A on my term paper.

    Great. You must have read widely and put a lot of work into it

  76. Like what

  77. any complaints?

    Can I see the work schedule for next work?

    Here it is. Any complaints?

  78. no comment

    What’s the President’s decision on this issue?

    No comment. It’s confidential

  79. good point

  80. be smart

    This letter says I just won a new computer!

    Be smart. That’s just an advertising trick.

第三节 80个经典流行三字句

  1. are you sure?

  2. without a doubt

  3. couldn’t be better.

  4. catch you later

  5. keep in touch

  6. be my guest

  7. at your service

  8. you name it

  9. spit it out!

  10. I’m all ears

  11. cut it short/be brief

  12. fill me in

  13. watch your mouth/watch your language/hold your tongue

  14. better left unsaid

  15. It’s my fault

  16. leave me alone

  17. I don’t care

  18. as you wish

  19. you’re the boss

  20. piece of cake

  21. are you impressed?

  22. It’s a deal

  23. can you hold

  24. easy does it

    help me out of bed, honey.

    Easy dose it. The docktor said you should take it easy for at least a week.

  25. Don’t sweat it.

  26. bear with it

  27. that’s really tough

    I just found out my grandfather has cancer

    I know what are going through. That’s really tough.

  28. just in case

    I don’t need the umbrella.

    Take it with you. just in case.

  29. sounds like fun

  30. you got it

  31. count me in

  32. what a surpise

  33. what a coincidence!

  34. I owe you

  35. I doubt it

  36. you never know

  37. you’re telling me

    It sure is a hot one.

    you’re telling me

    Taking a walk after a meal is going for your health.

    You are telling me! I do it all the time.

  38. I can tell

  39. check it out

  40. I suppose so

  41. wait a second

  42. don’t push me

  43. what’s the rush?

  44. The party is over

  45. are you through?

    And I want to tell you another thing…

    are you through?

  46. what a relief!

  47. I’ve had enough

    1:Do you want some more cake?

    No, thank you. I’ve had enough.

    2:I’ve had enough! I don’t want to see you any more!

  48. you’re so sweet.

  49. anything will do.

    What would you like to eat, rice or noodles?

    Anything will do.

  50. I’m with you/I agree with you

  51. Let’s be friends.

  52. good for you

  53. That’s too much

  54. What a story

  55. Come off it/I don’t buy your story!

  56. are you serious?

  57. are you crazy?

  58. I mean it

    I’m going to sell my apartment and go to Beijing to settle down.

    Are you serious?

    I mean it.

  59. What’s your point?

    What’s your point? I don’t understand.

    Ok. Let me put it in another way.

  60. mind your manners/Behave yourslef

  61. go for it

  62. hang in there

  63. never give up

  64. nothing is impossible

  65. you’re nearly there!

  66. way to go

  67. words fail me

  68. use your head/brain

  69. Don’t be chicken

  70. be a man

  71. never so die

  72. pull yourself together

  73. give me five

  74. I’ll handle this

  75. what a shame

  76. better than nothing

  77. what’s the fuss?

  78. that’s really something

  79. bussiness is bussiness

  80. that explains it/That’s why.



第四节 50个纯正地道四字句

  1. It’s a long story

  2. Drop me a line!

  3. That rings a bell

  4. What do you say?

  5. It suits your taste/style.

  6. Believe it or not

  7. Get to the point.

  8. I’m under the weather.

    I’m not feeling well.

  9. It drives me crazy

  10. Things will work out.

  11. Don’t get me wrong.

  12. Let’s forgive and forget.

  13. Don’t fall for it.

  14. Don’t lose your head.

  15. Get a move on!

  16. Get off my back.

  17. Give me a break.

  18. Great minds think alike.

  19. I can’t follow you.

  20. I can’t help it

  21. I cross my heart

  22. I just made it.

  23. Mind your own business.

  24. I’ll tell you what!

    I have a idea.

  25. I’m itching for this.

  26. I’m on cloud nine!

  27. I’ve got the blues.

  28. I’m on your side.

    I’ll back you up all the way.

  29. It doesn’t make sense.

    It makes no sense.

    It’s non-sense.

  30. It fits just right.

    What a nice dress! It fits just right!

    Thank you. It was a gift from my boyfriend.

  31. It kills my eyse!

  32. It’s (all) Greek to me.

  33. It’s no big deal.

  34. It slipped my mind.

> Did you remember to bring the book?
> Sorry, it slipped my mind.
  1. It’s all line up

    It’s all set.

  2. That’s news to me.

    never heard of it.

  3. None of your business.

  4. Now you’re really talking!

  5. You pissed me off.

  6. That’s always the case.

    Butty lost her keys again.

    That’s always the case. She never puts away her things.

  7. That’s going too far.

    The media revealed his private life again.

    That’s going too far.

  8. Be a good sport.

  9. Doesn’t hurt to ask.

  10. I’ll see to it

    There is a complaint from customer.

    I’ll see to it right away.

  11. I’ll figure it out

  12. That’s more like it.

  13. The walls have ears.

  14. There you go again.

    The fish tastes bad!

    There you go again. You always complain.

  15. You asked for it.

    Asking for trouble.

  16. You can’t be serious.

    I’m going to marry John next month.

    You can’t be serious. You have only known him for two weeks.





读:读的第一步就是先回想下这个单词或者句子的音标是什么样,重读的位置在哪里? 第一遍先回想起来音标再读,甚至可以一个一个单词的读,第二遍,第三遍可以加快读,或者连读。 读的时候不要拖沓,该长的长,该短的短。



刚开始可以对照着英文单词(不含有音标的)读,后面可以根据汉语来读写英文。 全方位练习,并且遇到发音不准确的,要记录下来。以供自己反复修正,直到纠正正确为止。


第二章 150个外国生存必备句


  1. I set my alarm for 6.

  2. Please wake me up at 6 o’clock.

  3. I’m in the middle of changing into my pajamas.

    Who is it?

    It’s me, Mike

    Oh, wait a second. I’m in the middle of changing into my pajamas.

  4. I’ll be right there to tuck you in.

  5. Please don’t kick off the covers.

  6. At home I usually make my own bed.

  7. Did you stay up late last night?

  8. I’m a night owl.

    I’m a night person.

  9. I tossed and turned all night.

  10. You were snoring last night.


    • You talked in your sleep.
    • You were grinding your teeth last night.
  11. I’ve overslept.


  1. I have to go to the bathroom.

  2. I have to go wash my face.

  3. Don’t squeeze the toothpaste in the middle.(最难度的一句话)

  4. I have to do my makeup.

  5. I put on some perfume.

  6. You seem to have your socks on inside out.

    put/have one’s clothes on inside out —- 把衣服穿反了

  7. You’d better put on a sweater over your T-shirt.

    put sth. over sth. 在什么外面加….

  8. I got dressed up.


  1. Do you have your keys?
  2. Wait, I forgot my wallet.
  3. It might rain today. Take an umbrella with you.
  4. Did you put everything you need in your suitcase?


  1. Do you have any hobbies?

  2. What do you do for relaxation?

  3. What’s your favorite pastime?

  4. I’m a man of many interests.

  5. My favorite recreational activity is watching television.

  6. I have a passion for American movies.

  7. I’m totally into going to English corner.

    be totally into – 来描述自己喜欢的事物

  8. When did you pick up that hobby?


  1. I think I’ll buy some eggplant for dinner tonight.

  2. Clean the fish, please.

    Clean the fish, please.


    I’m disgusted by the fishy smell.

  3. The meat will scorch.

  4. I want to leave the stew to simmer for 5 minutes.

    I want to leave the stew to simmer for 5 minutes.

    You’d better hang around and watch it.

  5. You should not boil the chicken soup too long.

  6. While I’m preparing the vegetable, would you please thinly slice the radishes?

    While I’m preparing the vegetable, would you please thinly slice the radishes?

    OK. But what on earth are you making?

  7. When do we put in the seasonings?

    When do we put in the seasonings?

    At the very end.

  8. The knife is too dull.

    The knife is too dull.

    Let me sharpen it.

  9. Would you put the cover on the pot so that dust doesn’t get in it.


  1. Would you help me set the table?

  2. What’s for dinner tonight?

  3. Don’t be picky.

  4. Clean/Finish up you plate.

  5. Let’s warm up the leftovers from yesterday and have a simple meal.

  6. How about having some food delivered?

  7. How tender the meal is!

    What a splendid meal!

  8. That dish is too hot for me.

  9. I could use a cup of coffee.

  10. I don’t feel like eating out. I’ll have some noodles at home.

  11. I’m on a diet.


  1. What’s on TV today?

  2. What program do you want to watch?

    What program do you want to watch?

    Turn to Channnel 8. It’s almost time for the news.

  3. Would you turn down the TV a little?

  4. Would you mind if I change the channel?


    Would you mind if ……

    Would you mind if I smoke?

  5. Why doesn’t the TV work?

    Why doesn’t the TV work?

    Check if it’s unplugged?


  1. Hello? I’d like to speak to Mr. Brown.


    • May I speak to Mr. Brown?
    • Is this Mr. Brown?
  2. You’re wanted on the phone, Jack.

  3. The line is busy. I can’t get through.

  4. Can I leave a message?

    Can you take a message?

  5. Sorry, you’ve got the wrong number.

  6. We have a bad connnection.

  7. I’ll transfer you call.

    Hello, Is Ms. Lee there?

    Just a moment, please. I’ll transfer your call.

  8. I’ve been getting prank calls.

    I think I have to change my telephone number.


    I’ve been getting prank calls and I’m scared.

  9. I’ve got to hang up now.

    Talk to you soon/later.

    I won’t keep you an longer.

    I’m enjoying talking with you, but I have to go now.

  10. She hung up on me

    hang up on sb 挂断某人电话


  1. We share in the housework.

  2. We take turns doing the dishes.

  3. When I give you the dishes after rinsing them, you dry them with a dish towel.

  4. First soak the pot in warm water, and then scrub it with a sponge.

  5. You stuffed too much laundry in the washer.

  6. The stain is really stubborn.

  7. Would you put the clothes up to dry?

    put sth. up 把什么架起来

  8. Please iron my shirt.

    I’d like to have my shirt pressed.


  1. 英语好不好听,关键在于发的元音够不够饱满。元音要多练习,练习准确。特别是在刚开始的时候。
  2. 刚开始的时候就要模仿外教进行连读,否则以后自己还是听不懂。


  1. Over the weekend, we did some major cleaning.

    Are you sick?

    No. Over the weekend, we did some major cleaning, so I’m a little stiff.

  2. You empty the trash and I’ll sweep the floor.

  3. Since I vacuumed the floor, will you mop it?

  4. Please give me a hand dusting and polishing the furniture.

  5. All morning, I scrubbed the bathtub and fumigated the room.

    All morning, I scrubbed the batchtub and fumigated the room.

    You did a good job.


  1. Could you do me a favor?

  2. Do you have a minute?

  3. How can I help you?

    May I help you?

    What can I do for you?


  1. Excuse me, where’s the subway station?


    How can I get to the subway station?

    Just over there.

  2. Could you tell me the way to the musenum?

    Could you tell me the way to the museum?

    Sure. I’m going in the same direction. Just follow me.

  3. It’s a few minutes’ walk from here.

    Is the supermarket far from here?

    Not really. It’s a few minutes’ walk from here.

  4. It’s about a two-hour drive to the city.


  1. I’m just looking.


    How can I help you?

    No, I’m just looking.

  2. I’m looking for a black dress.

  3. I need a size 34.

    Do you have a small/medium/large size?

    Do you have a smaller/larger size?

  4. Please give me a white one.

    I’m afraid we don’t have red color. We have white and yellow ones.

    Please give me a white one.

  5. May I try it on?

    I’d like to try this on.

    Where is the fitting room?

    Where can I try it on?

  6. Do you have this in stock.

    Do you have this in stock?

    Sorry. We’re out of stock now.

  7. I’ll take it/them.

    This set of tableware is so nice. I’ll take it. How much?

    35 dollars, Ma’am.

  8. Please wrap it for me.


  1. I’d like to make a reservation for tonight.

    I’d like to book/reserve a table for tonight.


    I‘d like to make a reservation for tonight.

    What time, sir?

    At senven

    For how many?

    There are five of us.

  2. Could I have a menu, please?

    May I see your menu, please?

    I’d like to see a menu, please?

  3. I’d like a steak.


    May I take your order, ma’am?

    Yes, I’d like a steak and a vegetable salad.

    How do you want your steak, rare, medium or well-done?

    I’d like it medium.


    牛肉:嫩-rare 半熟-half done/medium 全熟-well done.

    荷包蛋 sunny side up -只煎一面 over easy-两面都煎

  4. May I have a doggie bag?

    May I have a doggie bag?

    No problem, Ma’am. I’ll wrap it up for you.


  1. May I have the bill, please?

  2. Could we split the bill?

    Could we have separate checks?

    Let’s go Dutch.

  3. I’ll take care of it.

    This is my treat.

    It’s on me.

  4. Do you take credit cards?

    Do you accept credit cards?


    I’ll take it.

    It’s 55 dollars. How do you want to pay for this?

    Do you take credit cards?

    Sure. We do.


  1. I‘d like a cheeseburger and an order of French fries.


    Welcome to McDonald’s. How can I help you?

    Yes. I’d like a cheeseburger and an order of French fries.

    For here or to go?

    To go, please.

  2. I’d like a pizza with the works.

    works. 全部范围;全套;通常和the配合使用

  3. What kind of drinks do you have?

  4. No ice, please.


  1. I’d like to book a room for two for April 3.


    • A single room with a bath, if possible.
    • I want a room with a view.


    I’d like to book a room for two for April 3.

    What kind of room do you want?

    I want a room with a view, please.

  2. I’d like to check in, please.

  3. Room service, please.


    • I’d like a morning wake-up call at (这里弱读)7.
    • May I have breakfast in my room?
    • Do you have free Internet service?
    • Can I borrow a hair dryer?
    • I want to have this shirt dry cleaned.
  4. I want to check out now.

    I’m Peter Brown, Room 1232. I want to check out now.

    Certainly, Sir。

    What is the total cost?

    It’s 178 dollars.


  1. You have to slow down here.

    You have to slow down here.


    There’s a speed trap up ahead.

  2. You must be very careful when driving in GuangZhou, as many cars / will cut you off.

    cut sb. off 超车抢道

  3. We’ll **have to ** (弱读) make a U-turn up there.

    Oh, it seems we’ve definitely passed / that building.

    Really? Then we’ll have to make a U-turn up there.

  4. Turn the steering wheel / all the way to the right.

    Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right. Yes, very good. Now turn it / in the opposite direction.

    Thanks. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to park.

  5. Would you roll up the car window a little bit?

    Would you roll up the car window a little bit? The wind(发音不准) is too strong.

    Sure. Is it OK now?

  6. This is a dead-end street. We’ll have to back out.

    This is a dead-end street. We’ll have to back out.

    Be careful. There’s a motorcycle behind us.

  7. I was trying to hurry up here / and got a ticket for speeding.

  8. The police are checking for drunk drivers up there.

    Why is there such a traffic jam?

    The police are checking for drunk drivers up there.

  9. I didn’t see the light at the crosswalk and just went right / through it.

    What did you do / to get that ticket?

    I didn’t see the light at the crosswalk and just went right through it.


  1. Excuse me, where can I catch bus No. 23?

  2. Does this bus go to Washington Square?

  3. How much is the fare to Labor Park?

  4. How many stops are there to Disneyland?

  5. How often do the buses run?

  6. Is this seat taken?

    Is this seat free?

    Is anyone sitting here?

    Can I sit here?

  7. The bus just passed by my bus stop.

    Oh, the bus just passed by my bus stop.

    You should have pushed the buzzer.

  8. I took the wrong bus and had to walk quite a bit.


  1. We should cross the street to catch a taxi.

  2. Take me to this address, please.

    Drive us to the Peace Hotel, please.

    To the Peace Hotel, please. It’s at 150, Maple Road.

  3. Just stop up here.

    Will you drop me off here?

    drop off … 让..下车

  4. Here’s the fare, and this is for you.

    Just stop up here.

    OK, It’s 4 dollars.

    Here’s the fare, and this is for you.

    Thank you, sir.

  5. You can keep the change.

    It comes to 4 dollars and 30 cents.

    Here’s 5 dollars and you can keep the change.

    Thank you.


  1. Where can I get a subway ticket.
  2. Is this line to Central Square?
  3. Where am I supposed to transfer?
  4. Which exit should I take for Lincoln Center?


  1. What’s the departure/arrival time?

  2. When does the next train leave for San Francisco?

    When does the next train leave for San Francisco, please?


    Which platform do I need to go to?

    Platform 2.

  3. What’s the one-way/round trip fare?

  4. A one-way ticket to Los Angeles, please.

    • I’d like some seats for London.

    • I want to buy a sleeper ticket to London.
    • I’d like to reserve a berth.
  5. Here we are. Carrage 8. Let’s get in.

  6. Let’s put our suitcases on the rack.

  7. Your baggage is in the way. Would you mind moving it?


  1. I’d like to make a reservation for a flight from San Francisco to Los Angeles at 7 p.m on June fifth.


    • I need to reschedule my flight.
    • I need to cancel my flight.
  2. I’d like to travel economy class.

    I’d like to travel business class.

    I’d like to travel first class.

    I want a window seat.

    I want an aisle seat.

  3. I’d like to check in, please.

    I’d like to check in, please.

    May I see your ticket and passport, please?

    Here you are.

  4. I’d like to have the baggage checked through to New York.

  5. When will the flight begin boarding?

    When will the flight begin boarding?

    The flight will begin boarding around 6:40 p.m at Gate 23. Please go upstairs and proceed through security check.

  6. I am sorry to tell you that your flight has been delayed due to bad weather condition.


    • mechanical trouble 机械故障
    • poor visibility
    • torrential rain 大暴雨
    • heavy ground fog 地面大雾


    Announcement the Pilot May Possiby Make in Flight

    Good morning! Welcome aboard! I’m Captain Smith, you pilot. I’ll keep your informed about where we are; how high we are; what the flight number is; how long we’ll take to reach our desination; the local time; the weather. If you need any help. please ask your flight attendants. Have a nice flight.



第三章 150个国际公民必备句


  1. How long have you been in China?

  2. Is this your first trip to China?

    Is this your first trip to China?

    No, I’ve visited China serveral times, but it’s my first trip to Guangzhou.

  3. What’s your impression of Beijing?

    What’s your impression of Beijing?

    Beijing is a mordern and beautiful city, and people here are very friendly.

  4. Would you like me to show you around town?

  5. Try some of this dish. It’s a specialty of my hometown.

  6. I hope you’re enjoying your stay here.

    I hope you’re enjoying your stay here.

    Yes, I’m enjoying myself.


  1. Could you take a picture for me?

    Could you take a picture for me?

    Sure, my pleasure! Please don’t move and say cheese.

  2. Let’s pose for a group photo.

  3. Could you take one more shot for me?

  4. Get the falls in the background.


    Take it with the falls behind.

    Get the falls in the background, will you?

    Ok! Please keep still while I take your photo.

  5. I want to shoot a few close-ups of you.

  6. This is an auomatic camera. Just press the button!

  7. You should turn the flash on.

  8. Could you show me how to adjust the lens.

  9. You can store images on memory cards.

  10. The memory card is full. Get another one in the slot.

  11. These photos are really good.

  12. She came out well in the picture.


    She is photogenic.


  1. What are you doing this weekend?

  2. Where are you going on vacation?

  3. What do you usually do during the summer vacation?

    What do you usually do during the summer vacation?

    I usually travel.

  4. Did you enjoy your vacation?

    Did you enjoy your vacation?

    This was the happiest vacation I’ve ever had. How about you?

  5. Welcome back. How was your trip?

    Welcome back. How was your trip?

    Great. I had a wonderful time.


  1. Send me a text message when you arrive.

    Give me a call when you arrive.

  2. When are you calling from? The signal is very weak.

  3. I was in the elevator just now and couldn’t get a signal at all.

  4. Speak louder. I can’t hear you clearly.

  5. Sorry. give me a second. I’ve got a call waiting.

  6. Oops, I forgot to recharge my cellphone battery last night.

  7. What’s your phone number? I’m going to save it in my contacts.


  1. Do you have time after work?

    Are you free/avaliable after work?

  2. May I take you out tonight?

    May I take you out tonight?

    Sorry, I have other plans.

  3. Can I take a rain check?

  4. How about eating out tonight?

  5. Should we go to a movie tonight?


  1. Is it OK for me to stop by this evening?

    Do you mind if I visit you this evening?

  2. It’s so good of you to come.


    How nice of you to come!


    Good evening, Mr. Brown.

    Good evening, Diana. It’s so good of you to come.

    It’s nice of you to inite me.

  3. Please take a seat and make yourself comforable.


    Make yourself at home.

  4. We would be pleased if you could come and have dinner with us tonight.

  5. If there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask.

    If there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask.

    That’s very kind of you.


  1. Could you spare me some coffee, please?

  2. Would you drive me home?

    Would you drive me home?

    Sorry, I have my hands full.

    have one’s hands full. 事特别多。

  3. Could you possibly get me some aspirin?

    Are you going past the pharmacy by any chance?

    Yes, what is it? Could you possibly get me some aspirin? I have a headache.

    OK, sure.

  4. Do me a favor and close the window.

  5. Would you mind if I sit here?

    Would it be all right if I sit here?

    Would/Do you mind my sitting here?

  6. I was wondering if I could park my car here.

    I was wondering if I could …

    I was wondering if I could go fishing on Sunday.

  7. Would it be possible for me to use the phone here?

    Would it be possible for me to … 我可以….吗?

    Would it be possible for me to turn in the paper next week?


  1. I know that too well.

    Can you tell me how the car acciendt happended?

    You asked the right person. I know that too well.

  2. Can you tell me something about it?

  3. Do you know how to use this machine?

    Do you know how to use this machine?

    Sorry. I am new here. You’d better ask the senior colleagues.

  4. Do you happend to know his phone number?

    Do you happend to know his phone number?

    Yes. He just told me yesterday.

  5. I don’t have the slightest idea what happened.

    I don’t have the slightest idea …. 我对….一点也不了解

    I don’t have the slightest idea about cooking.

    I don’t have the slightest idea what he’s doing.


  1. I’ve been dying to see you.

  2. I love you with all my heart.

  3. You are everything to me.

  4. I’m on top of the world.

    I won the lottery of one million dollars! I’m on top of the world.

    Oh, really? Congratulations?

  5. I’m in a good mood today.

  6. Today just isn’t my day.

  7. You look like you’re about to burst out crying. What’s wrong?

    You look like you’re about to burst out crying. What’s wrong?

    I was just thinking all of the starving children in Africa.

  8. I didn’t shed a tear.

    How did you feel after you got fired?

    I didn’t shed a tear.


  1. I’d like to have this MP3 repaired.

  2. Do you know how change a light buld?

    Do you know how to change a light buld?

    Yes. What’s the problem?

    It keeps blinking, so it’s bothering our eyes.

  3. The arm of my glasses keeps wobbling so I need to tighten the screw.

  4. The bike pedal is too stiff. Please put a little oil on it.

    What’s the problem?

    The bike pedal is too siff. Please put a littile oil on it.

  5. The water heater dosen’t work again. Can you fix it?

    The water heater doesn’t work agian. Can you fix it?

    We’d better buy a new one.

  6. The water pipes are clogged. Call the plumber to unclog them.

  7. A button on my jacket fell off. Would you sew it on for me?

  8. Would you thread this needle for me?

    Would you thread this needle for me? I can’t see well because I don’t have my glasses.

    OK. Do you want me to tie a knot at the end of the thread for you, too.

  9. There’s a hole in your sock. Let me mend it for you.


  1. Would you bring me one of those carts over there?

  2. Where is the seafood section?


    Can you tell me where the frozen foods aisle is ?

    Where can I find chocolate milk?


    Where is the seafood section?

    It’s in the back along the aisle.

  3. Please tear off a plastic bag over there to put the apples in.

  4. Is this on sale today?

    How long is it on sale?

    I have a coupon for this item.

  5. How much is this?

    How much dose it cost?

  6. Can you give me a discount?


    Any discount?

    Can’t you make it cheaper?


    Two hunderd and fifteen dollars. 215.

    Well, I’m afraid it’s a bit too expensive. Can you give me a discount?

    Sorry, our price is set.

  7. It’s a real bargain.

    I bought a digital camera at 50% off yesterday.

    Wow, it’s a real bargain.

  8. Let’s divide these things into serveral bags.

    Oh, we put so much in the bag. It look like it’s going to burst.

    Let’s divide these things into serveral bags.

  9. Please put your things up on the check out counter.

  10. Why do you pick this and that and then not buy anything?

    Why do you pick this and that and then not buy anyghings.

    That’s because if I like the item, it’s expensive, and then if it’s cheap, I don’t like it.

  11. I’d like a refund.


    Can I have my money back on this?


    Excuse me. I’d like a refund on this milk.

    Anything wrong?

    It has gone sour.


  1. I want a shampoo.

  2. Don’t cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim it a little.

    How do you like your hair cut?

    Don’t cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim it a little.