Lost In Tailand

Lost In Tailand

Posted by bulingfeng on July 25, 2024


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The Supergas Petroleum Enhancer

The Supergas! It works!


It works!

It’s a revolution in renewable energy

But first I’m leaving for Thailand

All I need is Zhou’s power of attorney,

and we’re all set

Xu Lang, we’ve been together for 12 years

I ask you for a divorce, and you only think of your company!

This marriage means nothing to you, does it?

You know what this project means to me

Your daughter Xiao Di had an accident

What happened to her?!

She fought with Dandan, just to prove that she’d been to Ocean Park

Dandan shoved her hard

She fell, and cracked her head open

How could this happen?

I promised I’d take her to Ocean Park

You’ve made that promise seven times

She’s been waiting this whole time

I can’t sign the divorce papers today

Or I’m going to miss my flight

I can’t sign them today, really

And I’m not going to explain again

I’ve spent four years working on this

The project is everything I have!

We’ll talk when I get back

I only want Xiao Di

Do I have to kneel down and beg?

The last time you knelt down to me was when you proposed

It’s funny

Xu, what are you doing?

Get out!

Are you proposing to your wife again?

Aren’t you honeymooning in Paris?

What are you doing here?

Did you hear anything from Mr. Zhou?

No, I didn’t

I heard you’ve a deal with a VC company


Then where are you going?

Hong Kong. What?

What for?

Has Mr. Zhou contacted you?

No, not a word

Do you know where he is?

No. I thought that you knew

No. How did you know I knew?

I didn’t know you know!

Enjoy your mano-o-mano. I’m leaving

Let go of me!

Didn’t you say you’re off to Thailand?

No, I didn’t

I’ll say it again,

all I want is Xiao Di

Let go of me!

Take care!

So you’re going to Thailand?

You believe the lies I told my wife?

Our Mr. Zhou is in Thailand

Your wife’s pregnant and alone in Paris

How can you not be worrying about her?

Why were you arguing? Who was cheating?

We’re married. Begging is normal

I think your stiff neck is returning

Yeah? Isn’t your tooth hurting again?

Your phone is charged

Here’s the Thai baht

You’re on Little Red Riding Hood Tours

Gao Bo left his honeymoon early

It means he closed a deal in France

Yes, sir

We’re ruined if he finds Zhou first

Yes, sir!

Call me if he does anything suspicious

Yes, sir!

When is the flight exactly?

In two hours

Any news from the hacker?

He said Zhou is in Chiang Mai

I know Chiang Mai well. Where exactly?

Somewhere in Chiang Mai


He’s meditating at one of the temples

At one of the temples?

Yes, at one of the temples

There are thousands of temples there!

The hacker said he’d keep hacking

You want me on a wild goose chase?


I’ll send you the map soon!

If you can’t locate him within a mile,

at which temple on which mountain today,

you’ll never work in this business again

Yes, sir!

Mr. Xu, how’s your tooth?

Map to the big phone, calls to the other

Yes, sir

Listen, Xiao Di?

We’ll go to Ocean Park in a few days

I don’t believe you!

Sweetie, daddy’s sorry. Really


I mean it this time

The other girls said I don’t have a dad!

Who said you don’t have a father?



Yeah. Hi

I’m waiting for the map.

Where is it?


Listen to me!

If I arrive in Thailand without a map,

what am I gonna do in Chiang Mai’s areas?


What else would you do?

No worries! I’ll bring one back for you!

I have to go now. Send the map ASAP!

You bet I will! Okay, bye bye!


What a huge screen!

You have the address?

Send it right now

Hey, we’re taking off

The phone will interfere with the plane

Turn it off

I know! You don’t have to tell me that

Then turn it off!

How can I help you, sir?

His phone is still turned on!

What are you doing?

Your phone is still on

You know it’s dangerous to keep it on,Sir.

Please power off your phone now

Yes, I will. Just one more second

Sir, please turn off your phone now

She doesn’t buy it!

Think about all these people’s lives

Come on, turn it off

Otherwise the plane won’t take off

Thank you for your cooperation

It’s okay

The first time I flew, I didn’t know

I fly all the time

So what do you do?

I make spring onion pancakes!

I’m Bao’s Pancake Chronicles on Weibo!

Let’s friend each other on Weibo

I turned off my phone!

It’s okay. We can do it when we land

This is the immigration form

Please fill it in

Immigration form

Please fill it in

Hey, what’s your name?

What do you want?

Can you tell me what this says?

What should I write here?

Give me your passport

Thank you!

Why is everything in plastic bags?

My mom says it rains a lot in Thailand,

so you have to waterproof everything!

Wang Bag?

You can call me Baobao

The purpose of your trip to Thailand?

Well, look, this is my bucket list!

First I want to see the Taj Mahal..

Whoah! Hold on!

The Taj Mahal is in India!

Oh, okay, we’ll scratch that one then

Get a massage, ride an elephant…

Go swimming, worship Buddha

And I’m gonna fight a Thai kickboxer!

And I’ll plant my Good Health Tree

Okay, we don’t have to list everything

Just ‘travel’ is fine

I’m gonna see a ladyboy show too!

Look! Ladyboys!

Is she a ladyboy too?

No. That’s my girlfriend

She’s your girlfriend?


But she’s the movie star Fan Bingbing!

Yeah! Fan Bingbing is my girlfriend

Fan Bingbing is your girlfriend?


You cut this out of a magazine

No, I didn’t

I cut it from a newspaper

Something’s wrong with your medication

How did you know it was time?!

How can I help you, sir?

Can I have some water?

Yes, sir. I’ll be right back

“Lost In Thailand”


I just arrived in Bangkok

I couldn’t download the map yet

Send it again, alright?

Hang on!

I think my phone has a virus!

Hey, can you take a picture of me?

Hold on!

Hey! Take a picture of me!

Okay, okay. Here


Can you hold onto

my Good Health Tree?



I have a weak phone signal.


Tour guide! Tour guide!

Are there earlier flights to Chiang Mai?

You aren’t coming with us?

No, I have an emergency

Hold on, I’ll check for you

Don Mueang Airport has a flight

But hurry,

the flight leaves in an hour

Okay, I understand

There are just two airports in Bangkok?

Yes. And I can’t refund your booking!

That’s fine


Sorry to keep you waiting so long

Where the hell have you been?

Hey, listen up

I spied a spy in the bathroom!

You’re insane!

Seriously, he was talking on his phone

about implanting a global positioning tracker

Hey. are you okay?

What are you doing?

Aren’t you coming with us?


Wang Bag!


You can call me Baobao

Wang Bao,

I’m heading to Chiang Mai on business

It was a chance encounter

But it was a pleasure meeting you

One day I’ll try your spring onion pancakes


You have to promise me!


Why don’t you write down my number?

It’s fine. I’ll be in touch in Beijing

But how if you don’t know my number?

Let me tell you now

Okay, go ahead

Write it down…

Don’t worry, I have a good memory

I can remember it. Just say it


Can you repeat it back to me?

No problem. I have it memorized. Bye

Enjoy your life with Fan Bingbing!


I’m very sorry

I lied to you

The truth is…

Fan Bingbing isn’t my girlfriend yet


Have a good trip! Bye!

But my mom likes Fan Bingbing


She’s a huge fan of Fan!


Go that way. Be quick!

No, no, no…

(Thai) Relax

No police, no camera!

(Thai) Really, just be calm…

Use the loudspeaker!

No, no, no, no…

(Thai) Gentlemen don’t honk their horns

(Thai) Relax

I’m in a rush, no time to relax!

(Japanese) Calm down…

Now you’re speaking Japanese

I’m not Japanese. I’m Chinese

Chinese people are always in a hurry

Thai people are always lazy

Whereabouts in China?



Your traffic is even worse!

This is Thailand

(Thai) Relax…


Sorry, no ticketing without a passport

Tell me the fastest way to Chiang Mai?

By train, tomorrow morning, have one

By train without a passport is okay?

Yes, sir

And hotel?



Did you forget something!?

You can’t find it, can you?

Well, I got it!

I was wondering,

why your phone was in my pocket

How did you find me!

The tour leader said you’re here, so…

I almost lost you. Here’s your phone

I don’t want it.

Take it. A gift. Go!

No. Mom said don’t take from strangers

Didn’t she teach you obedience?

My mom told me to be kind and to always do the right thing

Oh, you are really unbelievable!

Are you being sarcastic?

No. That was a compliment

Then could you lend me some money?

Are you completely brain dead?!

How did you know that?

It was just this morning, after I left,

that I realized I’d forgotten my wallet

And I took a taxi just now to find you

The driver’s still waiting for the fare

I promise I’ll pay you back later

That’s enough. Thank you!

Hey. Wang Bao!

Do you have your passport?

Yes, I do. Do you?

I’m sorry, Wang Bao

I was very rude just now

It’s okay

Listen, from now on,

we’re traveling companions

We’ll go to Chiang Mai together

You don’t have to say that

You already paid for my taxi

Look, you’ve lost the tour group,

and you don’t have any money with you

How are you gonna complete your list?

Where are you going?

Let me pay for your hotel room

On the road,

people have to help each other Just like a team

My name is Xu Lang

I’m Baobao

Mom says, if it’s too good to be true…

Did your mom ever tell you

that most people in the world are good?

Well… what should we name our team?

The Legends of Thailand

Uhm… anything better?

How about Potato and Mushroom?

Let’s stick with the Legends of Thailand

Can I have your passport, sir?

Just a moment


Give me your passport

I have the membership card

Stop taking pictures!

Oh, get the chair in the picture too


Just get it in the shot

The Edward Scissorhands’ pose

must be the tackiest in the world

Hey! Let’s go see a ladyboy show!

They’re all guys. What’s the point?


Ladyboys are really boys?

You flew here and you don’t know that?

But how do they do it?

Does your phone have 3G?


Can it get online with WiFi?

Yeah! I just posted on Weibo. For free!

Hey, look, massage!

Let’s go shopping!


Then how about a massage treatment?


How about dinner?



I’ll pay the money back!

I can’t think about it right now

But I’m hungry.

Go get dinner then I don’t have any money

Help yourself

I don’t speak English. I can’t order

This hotel?

Yes, that’s right, sir

I already have a room

And can you tell me whether people…

using the same card are staying here?

Wait a moment, sir

Yes, have one

This man is my workmate

Today is his birthday

I want to give him some surprise

I need to speak to him




He’s not here

You came here for a vacation

Why must you challenge a Thai kickboxer?

I talked to Fan Bingbing’s agent

He said I can be her personal bodyguard

if I can beat a Thai kickboxer


I’ll make pancakes for her every day

But Fan can’t eat pancakes every day

You don’t understand, it’s not easy

There’s a special way to knead the dough

And you need what kind of dough to use

What spring onions to use

Whether to grill, roast, steam or fry

Okay, okay

how much do you sell one for?

2.5 yuan

What do the ingredients cost?

Less than 1 yuan

How many can you sell in a day?


That’s a lot!

That’s on a slow day!

Your net profit is 26,000 a month…

You could make a lot if you franchised

That’s right!

If you had

100 franchisees in Beijing

You could make 500,000 yuan a month

And 6 million a year

That’s right!

If there were 5,000 stores nationwide,

you could make 300 million yuan a year

Yeah! That’s right!

You’d go public in two years

That’s right I could!

How about selling me the recipe?


My secret recipe is that I have to make them all by myself

No hiring anyone and no freezing them,

they must be fresh out of the oven

You’ll be making them

til you drop

How did you know that?

I love making pancakes!

Let me show you something cool

Excuse me!



What is that?

When you fill up at the gas station,

and your tank is two thirds full,

just add two drops of this

Supergas Petroleum Enhancer

And your gas tank will be full

This is renewable energy

It makes fossil fuels more efficient

This is science, understand?

I understand

So now you know what my job is

Of course!

Your work for a TV shopping network!

Do you think ladyboys

were born as ladyboys?


Look behind you. They are ladyboys

Don’t look right away!

Wow! They’re sexy!

Don’t take a picture!

What are you doing?!

Sorry, sorry…

What are you doing?

He did it first

Hey, that’s enough


Thank you


Someone posted to me on Weibo

Let me see

Did you post the photo of the hotel?


Why did you tag me in the post?

You have more followers than me!

Delete everything now!

But Why?

I don’t want people to know where I am

Why are you so boring?

Be more careful from now on, okay?

What star sign are you?

(Thai) Please wait a moment

(Thai) Thank you

You’re saying this is a ladyboy?

Here, every beautiful woman you see,

is a ladyboy for sure

Are you sure enough to bet?

Of course! You got the guts to ask her?

DO you?

Of course I do! Do you?

Of course!

Then ask!


(Chinese) Hi. I was in the elevator

(Chinese) With World’s biggest idiots

Come here!

Come over here!

Do you see that guy?

Follow him, and find out his room number

Don’t let yourself be seen

Be quick!

What for?

I’ll tell you when you come back. Go!


I’m sure

He’s the spy from the airport!

I know that

But which room is he in?

Go check again!

#2207 or #2209? Which one is it?

I don’t remember

It’s one of the two anyway



Can I talk to you for a second?

What’s the matter?

Would you go to that guy’s room again,

and take his passport?

Why do you want his passport?

You know you can’t use it anyway

I just need it as a favor from you

What favor?

Everywhere I go, he follows me

Do you know why?


He wants to hurt me

Why would he do that?


I cuckolded him

You slept with him?!

I slept with his wife

You slept with his wife?!

She seduced me first

She seduced you first?!

But we really do love each other

You really do love each other?!

Can you stop repeating me?

How could you do that?!

It was all my fault,

but now he wants to kill me

If he gets to me,

you won’t finish one thing on your list

And it was your damn Weibo post

that led him right here

Don’t you think you owe it to me?

Did you forget?

We’re a team

The Legends of Thailand

Excuse me, sir?

The oil is not enough

Just a moment, please

Be quick!

(Thai) Good evening

Come on!

Come on!

Oh, my, what is that?

You want some whiskey?

Oh, baby!



Oh, quickly, please

Girls, let’s clean up

(Thai) Good evening!

Where’s the train?

You take that damn cactus everywhere?

You don’t get it

It’s only a cactus now

But it will becomes a health tree

It will ward off disease and bad luck

Give me the phone

Where’s the map I downloaded last night?

I deleted it

Why’d you do that?

You told me to!

I only asked to delete the Weibo post!

Why didn’t you say more clearly?

Don’t you have a computer?

My network card only works in China!

You can buy a SIM card in Thailand

Keep an eye on my bag, don’t move

I’m gonna get a SIM card

Then tell me what happened last night

Did the ladyboys beat you up?

Who’s the kid?

Leave me alone, okay?


Wife! You’re married?

Does it have anything to do with you?

But you have a kid already?


And you’re still having an affair?!

That was a lie!

Then why don’t you pick up the phone?


Where are you?

What are you doing?!


I’m filing for the divorce in two days

Hello? I can’t… I can’t hear you…

She wants to divorce you, I heard that

Can you hear me now?

10am. Haidian Court. Don’t be late


Hello. How is Xiao Di?

Do you even care?

But, I’m in Thailand right now

I don’t care where you are!

Day after tomorrow. 10am. Don’t forget

Why can’t you think about my situation?

I’m in Thailand now, in serious trouble

I lost my passport

And my battery’s about to die

I’m on the train right now

Xu Lang, I’ll never believe you again

Was that your wife?

Does she know about your affair?

Don’t ignore me!

Give it back!

Answer me!

Give me that!

You’re married! How could you do that?

I’m ordering you to give it back!

Who’s the kid?


I’m so sorry

We met less than 24 hours ago

We’re not friends, understand?

I’m here for a multi-billion yuan deal

Can you comprehend that?

We’ve never been a damn team!

Don’t say another single word, okay?

Seriously, what star sign are you?

I think you have a split personality!

Have a good trip, sir

See you!

Where is that place?

You can talk now

Do you know where that is?

That’s where I wanted to go

Hold on. Can I see that?

Let me have a peek


We’re not friends,

why should I help you?

You don’t have any money,

and you don’t speak English

How are you gonna finish your list?

Tell me you were wrong

I was wrong. I was wrong

Promise you’ll help me bless the tree


And help me finish my list


And help me take photographs


100 photographs


Now swear you’ll never cuckold again

But I never did!

Swear it!

I will never…

cuckold anyone…

ever again!

What did you say? I didn’t hear you!

I will never cuckold anyone ever again!

Without storms and turmoil

How can legends ever arise?

I’ll be waiting right here for you

Wherever you go, whatever you do

It doesn’t matter to me

As long as I can be there with you

As long as I can be there with you

But these are everywhere in China

What’s so interesting about it?

These are Thai fish!

I’m gonna go buy a hat

Come back quickly

Hi, sir. (Thai) 3km





He didn’t tell you where he was going?

You don’t understand, we’re together

The one who took pictures of me

I can’t find him.

I need to find him

(Thai) Then you’d better

start looking

Fine! I… I…

What are you doing here?

So you know who I am!

No, no, no… I don’t

I… I don’t know you at all

Where is he?

Who are you talking about?

Don’t play the fool with me, boy

Are you his tour guide?

Where is he?

I don’t know

Where is he?

I really don’t know

I have very important business with him


I come from China

I’m looking for Mr. Zhou

(Thai) Follow me

I know everything between you both

He told you everything, huh?

In this kind of situation,

you can’t just blame one party

My mom said,

it takes two to tango

Life is like a game of chess,

you never know who’s going to win

I got used to it a long time ago

You’re used to it?

So that means your wife is the problem

This has nothing to do with my wife!

It was your wife who seduced him first


But it’s true love between them


But don’t worry

I’ve made him swear,

he’ll never cuckold you again

You didn’t even know about it?

(Thai) Guys, he’s finally here

(Thai) Zhou, someone’s here to see you

(Thai) Come on in!

Mr. Zhou?

(Thai) You’re sure? You want it all?

(Thai) That’s right

(Thai) Yeah

(Thai) Who are you?

I come from China

I’m looking for Mr. Zhou

This is Mr. Zhou

I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Zhou Yang

Mr. Yang Zhou

(Thai) I don’t know who he is

(Thai) Didn’t you say nobody knew?

I thought this was a temple


(Thai) Don’t let him leave!

No? I’m sorry. It’s a mistake

I’m sorry

Why did you just leave me like that?!

What are you doing here?

You know I can’t speak English!

I know

You wanna break up with me, right?

Can you keep it down?

I’m gonna yell, dammit!


Don’t shush me!

You have no right to shush me!

And who’s he?

I… I don’t know him

You what?!

(Thai) I said we shouldn’t come today

We slept in the same room last night!

(Thai) I told you to keep outsiders out!

Why did you leave me there?

Please calm down

Why did you leave me?

Can you please shut up now?

I can’t!

Just calm down

I’m not calm!

Where did you find this postcard?

Why did you leave me?!

You know you gave me wrong directions?

I’m not your tour guide!

This isn’t even a temple!

How is this not a temple?!

Gao, still here I see

Xu Lang!

You’re out to get me every which way?

Listen, this is no place for a scene

Why not?

You don’t play by any rules

Leave! Now!

Oh, what? You think I’m afraid of you?

Don’t get physical, alright?

Now I know why you knelt to your wife

What are you talking about?

What am I talking about?

Was it the Shanghai trip?

What about Shanghai?

Will you stop pretending already?

What am I pretending about?

Just admit it!

Admit what?

Don’t you dare try changing the subject

We are not done with this!

Where’s Mr. Zhou?

Right here!

He’s not Mr. Zhou

Of course I know that he’s not

He is Mr. Zhou

Who are you?

None of your business! Who are you?

You don’t even know who I am?

Why would I care?

Who is he?

He’s Mr. Zhou

No, he’s not Mr. Zhou

He said he’s Mr. Zhou

This isn’t the Mr. Zhou I’m looking for

So which Mr. Zhou are you looking for?

It’s none of your business!

Are you nuts?

Don’t you see there’s a problem here?

I saw the problem long ago!

I swear to God…

That time in Shanghai…

Let go!

Don’t fight!

You think I’m blind?

It’s dangerous here!

We were classmates! I’m just married!

Don’t you see something is wrong here?

You had fun with the ladyboys!

On my hotel bill!

I’m gonna kill you!

(Thai) They’re all cops!


It was just an affair!

My mom said,

open a door,

and the dragon will enter

You know kung fu?!

I told you I’m here for Thai kickboxing

So go fight them!

I only have one move!

So you’ve hired a bodyguard, huh?

I was being followed!

(Thai) It’s that undercover cop! Baldie!

Don’t move!

Nobody move!

(Thai) Easy, easy, easy

You interpret for me

The rest of you, over there!

Everybody, step back!

Step back! Step back!

You two, come over here

Wang Bao! Wang Bao! Out!

Gao Bo, you too

Now! Now!



This way!

They’re coming from that way!

What are you carrying?

Your suitcase!

This is my suitcase!

Then whose is this?

You’re unbelievable! Just kill me!

No! No! No!

This way

Give me the suitcase!

Calm down… Calm down…

Stop… Stop…

His car is at the back gate!

Hurry up! Hurry up!

Come on, hurry up!

I don’t have the keys!

I have them!

What the hell are you doing?

Where’s the car?

This way

Stop it! Stop right there!





What are you doing?

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Hey! You hit me!


Where are we going?

How should I know?

You led the way!

It wasn’t on purpose!

But you… You abandoned me on purpose!

You got us lost and deleted the map!

You did it all on purpose, didn’t you?

Are you the biggest idiot in the World?

Or are you just the perfect curse?

I was just trying to help

Fat lot of good that did!

They almost killed me!

You’ve got your own problems!


You slept with someone else’s wife!


And you set him up!

He deserved it!

They might kill him!

Why are we stopping?

What are you doing?

I’m gonna go back to save him!

Who exactly is that man to you?

We work together

But we’re more like enemies

We’re both looking for the same guy

Our boss

Whoever doesn’t finds him gets fired,

and loses everything. Do you understand?

You still have me!

Who the hell are you?

I’m Baobao!

Don’t you remember, we’re a team!


Like Batman and Robin?

You gave me your phone

Only because he was tracking its GPS

So I put it in your bag instead

To confuse him

Then why did you pay for my hotel room?

Don’t you remember?

You also paid for my taxi

You paid for everything!

I’ve been using you, you fool!

Just go away!

I’ll see you in court in two days

I’m taking Xiao Di back to Shanghai

I’m lost


I found a town over there!

Why did you come back?

I don’t have any money


Two things, okay?

First, send me some money

Where the hell are you, cripple-neck?

Don’t use that tone of voice with me!


The other thing can wait ‘til later

What are you talking about?

I think you know what I’m talking about

I know what?

Tell me about Xu Lang

What about Xu Lang?

Tell me who the baby’s father is?


Is this the second thing?

I swear I’ll abort the baby right now!

The father’s a barnyard pig, that’s who!

Go to hell!

(Thai) It’s done

(Thai) Yeah, it went well

(Thai) At first he didn’t want to pay

(Thai) So we had to beat him up


It’s the Water Splashing Festival!

And people will fly sky lanterns

Let’s go have some fun

No thanks. You have a good time yourself

I’m telling you,

We’re not gonna fix the car today

How would you know that?


Not okay…

Tomorrow morning, okay?

See, I’m right!

We’re not going anywhere today

Come on! Let’s go have some fun

You go have your fun. I don’t want to

Why are you so gloomy?

I should take your brain out and wash it

You go have a good time

I’ll go wash my brain, ok?

Do you have Wi-Fi here?

Follow me

No, no, no…

No, no, no… Computer! Computer!

No, no, no, no… Computer!

Leave me alone, okay?

Brainwashing time!


I just wanted to wash your brain

It’s okay

I’ve gotten used to you already

I’m very sorry

You want this?

Yes! How do you go?

Follow me. The village chief knows

Wake up! Wake up!

Where’s the map?

Map? You should have it

Were you looking at the map last night?

I’ll help you look for it

Gao Bo, calm down

Xu Lang!

You crossed the line!

Look, put the knife away

No one needs

to get hurt


You wanna talk to me about getting hurt?

How the hell did you find me here?

Where’s the map?

What map?

I am asking you where the map is

Here’s the map!

We’ll talk about you cuckholding me,

once I get the power of attorney

Gao Bo, listen

Calm down…

Xu Lang, you’ve gone too far

He never actually slept with your wife!

Go die in a fire!

Don’t you know kung fu?

Kick him!

I can’t lift my leg without a platform

10L gas, 30% consumption efficiency…


You, step away from the map

There’s still a chance

We can catch up with him

But how?



Come on! Let’s go!

Get in! Get in the car!

Have some water

Thank you

Did the car start?


It usually works in the movies

Put two drops of this into the gas tank

Just two drops


We need that key

How tall are you?

I’m not being suspicious,

I’m just asking

What’s there to ask?

So you’re saying I can’t even ask you?

I don’t even have the right to know?

What do you want to know?

Just tell me!

Are you going to tell me or not?

Let’s both calm down

And let’s think it through

Why is it we tried so many times before?


And it never worked!

How come this time it worked?

Just one time, and you got pregnant!


You have to ask yourself, right?

Damn it!

Now you’re swearing at me?

Swear at me again. Try it


Even in English!

I’m not cursing at you

Then who are you cursing?

You know I’m pregnant here

And I’m all alone far from home!

Yeah, I know that

You don’t know anything!

But there are principles, right?



Alright, tell me your principles!

Damn it!

You’re rude, aren’t you, cripple-neck?

I’m not rude, and not swearing at you!

Then who are you swearing at?

Really, try it again, swear at me again!


Gao Bo, you tricky…

Thief! Thief!

(Thai) Calling Unit 1, calling Unit 1,

(Thai) The Buddha thief is wearing all black

No! No! No!

I’m sorry, I’m sorry

You idiot! Get in the car

Speak English!



They’re the ones who took it, I swear!

You guys have to go get him!

Go! Go! Go!

Look, if you’re not going to listen…

I… I… forget it

(Thai) Get back here!

He’s following us!

Didn’t I tell you to get the trike key?

I thought we were still gonna drive it,

so I didn’t get the key

Then why do you think we stole this key?

Yeah, why?

The road’s blocked!

I know!

Chickens! Look out for the chickens!

I see them!

It feels like we’re in a real movie!

What’s wrong?


There’s smoke coming from the hood!

I know! How many drops did you add?

The whole bottle


Are you only good at making pancakes?

And donkey meat sandwiches, noodles…


Oh, and pizza too!

What the hell kind of road is this?

Shut up!

That was so much fun!

Shut up!

Let’s ride the elephant across!


Sorry! Sorry!

Here, take the money!

Money! Money! Money!

Elephant! Elephant!

One thousand baht!



Nice helmet!

Hurry! Hurry!

Take a picture of him! Take a picture!

You’re a fighter pilot!

Say cheese!


Yeah, keep showing off!


Don’t get wet!

Don’t grab me!

My health tree! My health tree!

Not the right time! Let it go!

You’re unbelievable!

Let go!

Don’t grab my head!

Let go!


Quit grabbing my head!

Stop it!

Help! I can’t swim!

Where are we?


Help! Help!

Hurry UP!

Help! Help! Help!

What in hell are you doing?


Did God send you to torture me?

I just make spring onion pancakes

Just calm down

Why should I calm down?

You’re the world’s stupidest creature!

It’s really The Lord of the Rings!


Finding the One Ring would be easier!

Take it easy

Seriously, where did you come from?

I’m done!

I’ll smash it all!

Don’t do this…

I don’t want anything anymore!

I’ll just smash it all up!

Hey, calm down, alright?

There! I smashed it! Happy?

Are you happy now?

You slapped me!

You feel better?

How dare you!

When I was young, and acting crazy,

my mom would slap me to calm me down

Did your mother slap you enough?

Was that how she brought you up?

Stop it! You can say anything you like

but leave my mom out of it

I just did!

Like mother, like son. Isn’t that right?

Enough! Enough! Don’t!

What are you doing?


I’m sorry

I kicked you too hard

I told you,

I know kung fu

It’s The Lord of the Rings?



You’re Gollum!


Insane! Crazy!

I’m Frodo Baggins!


What’s wrong with you?

Don’t move!

Just let me cry for a bit!

Don’t move!

Kill it! Kill it!

Are you ready?

This leaf will help disinfect the wound

My grandpa taught me

Don’t you ever tell anyone about this

Trust me,

I won’t put this on Weibo

I invented Supergas

I’ve been working on it for four years

The commercial potential is limitless

But Gao Bo

and I have different plans

He wants to sell it to the French

But I want to keep developing it,

because I know it isn’t perfect yet

Mr. Zhou is the biggest shareholder,

and only he can bestow power of attorney

The letter of attorney’s a golden ticket

With it.

It’s nothing but clean sailing ahead

The knife

was my birthday present to him

Thanks to Supergas,

we’re enemies instead of old friends

It’s cost me a lot to beat him

Now, even my family is abandoning me

You have no idea what I’m talking about

What are you writing?

A travel diary

You’re writing the sad story of my life?

I’m not writing about you at all



we’re grilling snake meat in the jungle

Did you ever expect that could happen?

Life has so many unexpected things

Everybody feels lost sometimes

But I think, in your case,

you’re not actually lost

You can fix things up with your wife

That’s easier said than done

Is it really that difficult?


Just call your wife

No! Stop it

Just call her

What am I gonna say?

Anything you want



International calls

are not activated…

What’s wrong with you?

My health tree is dead!

How did that happen?

Is Supergas toxic?

No way!

Can’t be!

Maybe you watered it too much?

Let’s go. It’s just over that bridge

ls there anything left on the list?

There’s no health tree anymore,

so now it’s just Thai kickboxing

Don’t even think about that

Come over here. Let’s take a photo

What happened?

Let me see

The memory card is full!

Help me put it all back in the bag

I spied a spy in the bathroom!

Here it is!

I forgot my wallet this morning

Where’s the map?

It’s here

All right, let’s take a picture

Do it!

What is this?

What is that?

You’re working with Gao Bo, right?

What do you mean? Just take the picture!

No wonder,

he could follow me so easily!

Am I in Infernal Affairs?

What is Infernal Affairs?

Can you explain this?

Why is there a GPS tracker

in your bag?

This is a GPS tracker?

Why did you come to Thailand?

I’m a tourist

You’ve been with me the whole time,

and you call that being a tourist?

Yeah. I lost the tour group,

and I have no money

What’s this?

Who gave you this?

Gao Bo

No, I…

Let me ask you again

Why did you come to Thailand?

I’m here for my honeymoon

With who?

With Fan Bingbing?

How did you know?

Where is she then?

In my heart

My mom

is a big fan of Fan!

Still obsessed over stars at her age!

A fan of Fan!

Do you think I’m an idiot?


Why would I lie to you?

You and your family are all crazy!

I’m warning you,

you can say anything about me,

but not my mom!

You’re nuts!

And so is your mom!

Warning you! Don’t talk about my mom!


Mom, I’m already on honeymoon…

with Fan Bingbing

We stayed in Bangkok’s best hotel,

and ate Thai pancakes

They’re called Tom-Yum-Goong Pizza

We took a lot of pictures together

Bingbing said,

I should start a pancakes franchise

Once it goes public on the market,

I’d be the CEO

We’ve taken a train together,

been on the bus, on tuk-tuks,

even on a Thai trishaw

We went to a Thai foot massage parlor

We rode an elephant

And Bingbing completely loved it

She said elephants bring us luck

Oh, right

Also the local Water Splashing Festival

That very same night,

we set off sky lanterns

At that moment,

I realized that,

I was living the most

beautiful moment of my life

When we find the temple,

and plant your health tree,

I know your health will get better

You’ll become,

the healthiest, happiest mother ever,

and I’ll make a grandson for you soon

Mom, we love you

They’ll build this temple soon

Are you Mr. Xu?

Are you Chinese?

That’s right

Mr. Zhou and I are in meditation class

I’m helping around the temple here

He said you’d come before he left

He’s back in Beijing now, right?

He left something for you before he left

Just a moment

Xu Lang,

you’ve gone too far!

Where’s Zhou?

He went back to Beijing

Give me the letter of attorney

I don’t have it

And I think you should forget about it

Oh, you’re so funny!

We’re gonna settle this today

Where’s you bodyguard?

I don’t have one

Here’s your money!

I didn’t spend a penny of it


I came back to tell you,

if I were on his side,

I’d not have mentioned the airport spy




I was wrong

Gao Bo…

Cut this rubbish!

Give me the letter of attorney

I don’t have it

You must be Gao Bo?

Mr. Zhou left this for both of you

He said you can decide who takes it

So, you know Thai kickboxing?

I’m here to fight, son

My Mom said…


Let go!

You can’t have it!

Let go!

Supergas has problems!

You’re the only problem!

Save me!

No time right now!

Take a picture of me!

Use your killer move!

I need a platform to stand on!

The Legends of Thailand!

Saaaaaaay cheeeeeeeeeeeese!

You got it?

Take a look

So exhausted!

Zhou knew we would fight over this

The contract demands that we both sign

That actually makes things easier

Name your terms

Xu Lang!

Why don’t you work with me?

I have a deal with the French already

I just need your signature

20-80, how about 20-80?

30-70, is that all right?

Fine, 40-60

50-50! 50-50!

Don’t get greedy on me!

Fine, fine, Xu Lang,

I’ll do it your way, okay?

Like you said, we’ll take the long view

We’ll talk to the venture capitalists

and keep developing and researching

I know there are problems with Supergas

Let’s work them out

I’ll listen to you

Get the shot?

I got it all. Everything!

Just one more thing on the list

The health tree

Well, what do you think?

This time,

I’m standing aside

Here’s your knife back

Gao Bo…

Maybe this is a new beginning


Let’s go

Oh. Your wife and I…

Really, nothing happened

Have a good life together

He and your wife…

Really, nothing happened

Mr. Xu,

a taxi driver dropped off your passport

Just wait here for a minute

Darling, it’s me

Are you guys already on the plane?


Am I never going to see Xiao Di again?

I just have one request

Let me take her to Ocean Park one time

I gave up the letter of attorney thing

I gave it all up

Or I don’t think I’d have anything left

Can I just have one last chance?

Darling, I’m sorry

I miss you so much

You’re both so important to me…

Darling, I’m sorry

I’m sorry

I asked Xiao Di that day,

if mom and dad really got a divorce,

who she would want to stay with

You know what she said?

She said she wants to be with you

She never wanted us to break up

Hi, Baobao?

Yeah, it’s me!

Know who this is?

Xu Lang!

I want to try your spring onion pancakes

Can you send some over?

Sure! Absolutely!

Where to?

And wear something nice,

I want to take some pictures with you




Can we go to Ocean Park again?

Yes, I think we can do that?

Do you regret giving up Supergas?

It’s just like that tooth

After Wang Bao kicked it out,

it didn’t hurt anymore

Why am I wearing this?


What do you think of what I’m wearing?

Is this okay?

Of course!

We didn’t get to the beach last time,

so I wanted to make it up to you

Sure, what pose do you want?

Anything but Edward Scissorhands!

It’s fine, it isn’t a fashion shoot

It’s’ a honeymoon shoot


With whom?


I’m Fan Bingbing

You’re… who?

Fan… Bing… Bing…

You’re… Fan…

Fan… Fan.. Fan… Fan… Bing…

I heard,

you wanted to go on honeymoon with me?


Ho… ho… honeymoon?

Can we…

Take some pictures together?

Pic… pictures?

Come here

Come on

Put your arm around me

Pu… Pu…

Pu… Pu.. Put my arm around you?

Would you stop repeating her?

Come on

Put your arm here. Look at the camera

I’m done!

Can you do some backrubs?

Come here


So happy I could die!

Oh yeah!

Remember Gads passport from his room?

I forgot

I didn’t realise that I had it

Breathe! Breathe! Breathe!

Push, baby! Push!

It’s out?

Boy or girl?

Does it look like me?

Does it have any hair?