Bulingfeng Blog





塔勒布《Bitcoin, Currencies, and Bubbles》读后感

《Bitcoin, Currencies, and Bubbles》

前言 如果你是币圈的人,并且还同时满足以下特征的人,强烈不建议你阅读,因为我猜你大概率会骂:“你这个大傻*”。 在现实生活中不是一个讲道理,讲逻辑的人 想通过bitcoin来实现财富自由,并且已经重仓bitcoin而无法客观思考的人 只要听到有人说bitcoin会归0就会暴跳如雷的人 有阅读障碍,无法客观、理性、只字不差阅读文章的人 ...



高考真的有那么重要吗? 随着各省的高考分数陆续公布出来,百度出现了各种各样关于高考热点的新闻比如《男生高考707分 纠结清华还是北大》、《学生高考660分老师们沸腾》等等。 这些信息无疑中透漏着一种信息:“高考很重要”。是,高考确实重要,但是它真的有我们认为的那么重要吗? 谈论高考之前,我们首先要问自己一个问题:“自己上学的目的是什么?”,可能有人说是为了提高综合素质,有人说为了陶冶情...

Principles for Success: Struggle Well | Episode 8

Struggle Well

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Principles for Success: Be Radically Open-Minded | Episode 7

Be Radically Open-Minded

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Principles for Success: Your Two Biggest Barriers | Episode 6

Your Two Biggest Barriers

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Principles for Success: Everything is a Machine | Episode 5

Everything is a Machine

Principles for Success:Everything is a Machine | Episode 5 BY RAY DALIO Sometimes things happen that are hard to understand. Life often feels so difficult and complicated. It’s too much to take i...

Principles for Success: The Abyss | Episode 4

The Abyss

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Principles for Success: The Five Step Process | Episode 3

The Five Step Process

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Principles for Success: Embrace Reality and Deal With It | Episode 2

Embrace Reality and Deal With It

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